Stoned Dust - 1lb Bag
$ 4.20
Stoned Dust is an all natural organic soil additive. It is also referred to as rock dust, rock powder and rock flour. It isn’t new to agriculture, it’s just been forgotten. It has all the required nutrients that are essential for growth and survival. It tests high in Calcium – Magnesium – Potassium and Phosphorus. It also has several micronutrients and trace elements so you are getting everything that your plants need in order to thrive and become their best. Whether you are a gardener – local small farmer, organic greenhouse grower, or just a home grower you will love how easy it is to use. It is a low cost and an effective way to achieve great results. Spread it in your garden and watch your plants come alive.
Stoned Dust is a finely crushed rock that is just chock full of nutrients and minerals. It is from an igneous granite rock that has been drilled locally here in Massachusetts. Stoned Dust will help with pests and disease as well as with drainage in your depleted soil especially if you grow in fabric pots and containers. It will improve soil structure and feeds the beneficial microbes that live in your soil. It will result in healthier and stronger plants. Soil all over the planet has become depleted of minerals. We can add these minerals back ourselves and create fertile soils. It is all about remineralization of the earth and it can start with you.