Live from the Champs Show, Las Vegas
Posted on February 02 2016
New! Deluxe Sax Pipe!
Posted on February 01 2016
What is a Kief Catcher?
Posted on January 29 2016
Medical Marijuana and CBD Oil – A True Story
Posted on December 17 2015
We have all been seeing a groundswell of stories and articles in the mainstream press lately about the benefits of medical marijuana. Medicinal marijuana is now legalized in 36 States, in addition to the four States where cannabis has also been legalized for recreational use.
As an outsider, I didn’t personally have much experience with or understanding of medical marijuana. Does it really help? Or is it just a nice-sounding excuse to skirt the issue and legalize a fun drug? I’m sure I wasn’t alone in wondering.
Rock On! Mini Saxophone Pipe Now Available!
Posted on November 18 2015
Rock on! This pipe is shaped like a miniature saxophone, complete with plastic mouthpiece.
While it won't play you any tunes (bummer, I know!) your friends will get a chuckle and you'll look ultra cool while fielding all those "OMG! Where did you find that?!" questions. This is definitely a conversation piece. But It's more than just a novelty...
Unveiling our Flashship Grinder!
Posted on September 10 2015
It seems like it took forever (not really, but it sure seemed that way!) but we are thrilled to announce the availability of our flagship herb grinder!
10 New Styles of High Quality Hand-Carved Dugouts
Posted on July 21 2015
We are pleased to announce the availability of our lineup of new high quality, hand-carved dugouts!
Our High Quality Aluminum Bats Are Now Available!
Posted on June 30 2015
We are excited to announce the availability of our high quality aluminum bats (aka cigarette pipes, or one-hitters)!